The "normal" coulant is a small sponge cake with a really tasty hot chocolate filling. I want to tell you how to do this one and other more special, with whit chocolate filling.
Coulant's recipe:
Ingredients for 5 units, 3 of black chocolate and 2 filling of white chocolate.
Confectionary Chocolate 200gr
Butter 200gr
Flour 80gr
Eggs 4unds
Sugar 80gr
Coulant's recipe:
Ingredients for 5 units, 3 of black chocolate and 2 filling of white chocolate.
Confectionary Chocolate 200gr
Butter 200gr
Flour 80gr
Eggs 4unds
Sugar 80gr
For the filling of white chocolate:
White chocolate 100gr
Butter 50gr
Yolk egg 1unid
Flour 20gr
White chocolate 100gr
Butter 50gr
Yolk egg 1unid
Flour 20gr
Put the chocolate and the butter to the bain-marie until it melts. While separate the whites of the yolks and mount the whites. To mount the whites of egg they must be cold, when the whites are almost whisked add 20gr of the sugar.
In a bowl put the yolks and the rest of the sugar and move to mix everything. When the chocolate is warm add it to the yolks. Do not add if it is hot or the yolks get set. Add the flour sifted and move to mix well. Next add the whisked whites, in order that they keep its texture it is necessary to to mix with a spoon, little by little, with slow movements.
The next step is preheat the oven to 180ºC and prepare the baking pans: smear them with butter and then sprinkle flour into them.
With the mass prepared before fill 3 bakings pans to ¾ , and fill other 2 to 1/2.
To prepare the white chocolate filling, melt this one with the butter using the bain-marie. Take away it from the fire and wait until it is warm. Add the flour sifted and the yolk of egg. Put this filling it in a piping pan and "inject" it in the middle of the mass of the bakings pan that are full to the half.
With the baking pans ready you have two options: do them at once putting them in the oven or freeze them. If you freeze them you only have to put them directly in oven without defrosting when you want to eat them.
Hornear es el único punto “complicado”. Hay que hacerlos de manera que queden hechos por fuera pero líquidos por dentro. Para ello cuando los veamos hecho por fuera vamos pinchando con un palo y este debe salir manchado de chocolate mientras que los bordes se deben haber despegado del molde. Si tienes invitados siempre puedes hacer uno o dos de más por si acaso lo sacas antes.
Baking is the only "complicated" point. It is necessary to keep an eye on them so that they remain made externally but with liquid filling. To get that when they seem cooking you have to prick them with a stick and check that the filling is liquid. If you have guests at home I advise you to prepare one on proof.
As soon as they are ready remove them from the pan and put them on a plate. You will see what a surprise when your guests take the first spoonful. Also you can do like I and present them with the chocolate already going out.
I hope you like them!
I hope you like them!
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