
Apple and Onion Jam

This jam is ideal to eat with cheeses, meats... I hope that you decide to do it because jams are not difficult to do, the only thing that you need is time. If you want to complicate even less keep in mind that some baker-machines can do jams too. Mine is Clatronic BBA 3364 and it has this kind of program

Recipe of apple and onion jam:
 Onion 1kilo
 Apple 750gr
 Sugar 400gr
 Lemon 1unid.

Peel and puncture well the onions and the apples. Put the onion in a pan with little oil and cook them in very slow power until they are gilded. Don't forget to remove then occasionally. While, set the apples to soften with the sugar and the juice of the lemon.

When the onions are gilded, add them the apples and the juice. Cover them and leave them cooking slowly. Don't forget to remove them every five minutes or less. If you are going to use a baker-machine instead of putting everything in the pan, put in the pan of the bakermachine and select the option "jam".

While, take the jars that you are going to use for store the jam and get them into boiling water.

You will know that the jam is ready for the consistency and texture it has. Everyone knows the texture of jam. If you've used the baker machine and you see that, at the end of the program, is not ready, you will just select the program again and check until it  is ready.

If you have cut the fruit into big pieces and you dont like jam with pieces, just use the blender at the middle of the cook.

Put the jam when is still hot in the jars you have sterilized, close them and put them face down until they are cool. To verify that it has done well press the lid and check that it does not move.

En español clica AQUÍ


Cous cous salad

This recipe has two ways of being done: slow and traditional or rapid and easy, ideal for beginners. For the slow one we are going to cook the chickpeas so they must be put in water the day before, and we are going to do the cous cous of a traditional way, to the steam. For the rapid version we can use a boat of already cooked chickpeas and a package of the "modern" cous cous, which is done in a couple of minutes.
I still have cous cous of our last trip to Morocco so I'm going to use the traditional form. So I'm going to explain you How to do the traditional cous cous. For those who are going to use the other way you only have to follow the instructions of the packet of the cous cous.

Recipe of cous cous salad:
 300gr of Cous cous
 100 gr of Chickpea
 1 Tomato
 1 Onion
 1 Green pepper
 1 Carrot
 6 or 7 dates depending on the size
 Olive oil

The chickpeas must be put in water at least one night before and they must be rinsed before cooking them in the pot. Don't use the water that has been used during the night to cook them.

The cous cous is cooked to the steam in one special pot. This one consists of two parts, the top where the cous cous is placed, called Mafaradda and the bottom where the stew is placed, or in our case the chick-peas, called Marga (according to my Arabic friend it means "sauce"). But it is not necessary to have this kind of pot to prepare cous cous, you can use my trick: a high pot, a big colander and a lid. The bad thing is that with the colander I am unable to move the cous cous without throwing it.

Pues bien, colocamos los garbanzo con mucha agua en la parte de abajo y le añadimos una pastilla de caldo concentrado, y colocamos el colador encima. El agua debe quedar un dedo por debajo del colador. Antes de poner el cous cous en el colador debemos mojarlo con agua salada. Para ello ponemos el cous cous en un bol, añadimos un poco de agua con sal y movemos bien. Si vemos que es necesario añadimos más agua hasta que todo este húmedo. En este punto lo ponemos en el colador, tapamos y ponemos el fuego al máximo para que hierva el agua. Tened en cuenta que el cous cous aumentará de tamaño y que por tanto no podemos llenar el colador al máximo.

Lower a bit the fire when the water starts boiling, not too much, the water must continue boiling. Leave it like that during an hour. Every 10-15 minutes move the cous cous, otherwise the bottom part will stick forming balls and the top will not be done. Every time you are doing this, verify that always there is sufficient water and, if it is necessary, add more. An hour the chick-peas must be done but the cous cous will need half an hour more. So extract the chick-peas, drain them and leave them cooling while you continue doing the cous cous.
While clean and peel the vegetable. Cut them and the dates. Puncture a few leaves of coriander (that today I haven't got, sorry). When the cous cous is done leave it get cold. Once It is cold, add the rest of the ingredients and spice them with salt and oil.

 I hope that you like!!! And remember that there is a easy and rapid way to do this recipe, ideal for beginners.

En español, clica AQUÍ