
Andalusian Gazpacho

This is one of the recipes that my mother has taught me and the truth is that everyone who eats it say it tests really good. My boyfriend used to say that he didn't like at all the gazpacho until he eats my mother's. I hope that you have the same opinion

Recipe of gazpacho:
Ingredients for 4 persons.
Mature tomato            1.5kg
Cucumber                        75gr
pepperoni                75gr
Garlic                                2 cloves
Hard bread                    150gr
Oil                                50ml
Vinegar                             25ml


Clean the vegetable. Peel the tomatoes, the cucumbers and the garlic cloves. Put the hard bread in a big bowl with water and left it until it is softened.
Cut all the vegetables in pieces and put them in a cilindric container or in the blender container.  Add the oil, the vinegar and the garlic cloves. Pick up the bread of the water and drain it. Add the vegetables and blend everything. Test it and add as much  salt as you like.

Easy, isn't it? But there are some trickes that must be known:
  1. Choose a mature, red and soft tomato. I often buy the mature tomatoes that are on offer because they are very soft.
  2. The bread must have a lot of crumb. In Seville we have a bread that is called bollo and is the better one for this.
  3. The  gazpacho can be drunk, just add it a little bit of  watter or it can be served in a bowl with cucumber, onion, cured ham or whatever you like add eaten with a spoon.
  4. It's important to remove well the pips and the skin to the tomatoes, the cucumber and the green pepper.

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